An Overview of Abrazos, No Balazos

Introduction “Abrazos, no balazos” is a Spanish-language anti-war slogan, commonly translated as “Hugs, not bullets” (though “balazo” is more literally “gunshot”), and often compared to the English “Make love, not war”. The slogan was initially associated with the Chicano counterculture of the 1960s, and figured prominently in the Mexican-American anti-war movement, as a slogan in… Read More

An Overview of ‘Make Love, Not War’

Introduction “Make love, not war” is an anti-war slogan commonly associated with the American counterculture of the 1960s. It was used primarily by those who were opposed to the Vietnam War, but has been invoked in other anti-war contexts since, around the world. The “Make love” part of the slogan often referred to the practice… Read More