Five Critical Steps for Veterans Preparing for a VA Disability Benefits Application


If you are a veteran who got sick or was injured during military service or your service worsened an existing health condition, you could qualify for Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) disability benefits.

VA disability benefits would provide you with a monthly tax-free payment. The benefits cover both physical conditions like injuries and chronic illnesses as well as mental health conditions like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

It is important that, just like you would prepare for any military operation, you prepare before completing and submitting your application, so make sure you follow these five critical steps.

1. Determine Whether You Qualify

The first thing you need to do is find out whether you are eligible for VA disability benefits. For veterans benefits eligibility, you need to demonstrate you are at least 10% disabled and that your condition is service-related. That means your injury, illness, or mental health condition occurred or worsened during active duty, active duty training, or inactive duty training.

A doctor must have diagnosed your disability in order for you to qualify for the disability benefits.

Also, it is worth noting that you cannot qualify for compensation if:

  • You have recovered from the health condition.
  • You have a dishonourable discharge.

2. Gather Evidence

You will need to prove your eligibility, so the next critical step is to gather all the supporting documents that provide evidence of your disability. It is best to send all your supporting documents along with your application to ensure your claim is handled swiftly.

    You should provide medical records and hospital records that relate to your disability – both veteran medical and hospital records and private ones.

    You could also provide supporting statements from figures like family members, friends, priests, or people you served with to provide more information on your condition – such as how it happened or how it has worsened over time.

    3. Check Whether You Need to Fill in Additional Forms

    The last thing you need to do before completing and submitting your claim is to check whether you need to provide any additional forms with your claim.

      For example, you could need to fill in forms (all of which are available via VA website) if you are claiming for increased compensation because you are unable to work or:

      • A PTSD claim.
      • A PTSD claim based on personal assault.
      • An automobile allowance.
      • An adaptive-equipment grant for your automobile.
      • A clothing allowance.

      4. Consider Seeking Legal Assistance

      If the process of preparing and applying for a disability benefits claim seems overwhelming, you could always get professional legal assistance to help you with your application.

        The VA enables applicants to get assistance from a VA-accredited lawyer. So, do not forget that you do not have to go through the process alone (a number of them are also veterans). Sometimes it helps to have someone by your side who cannot only provide you with professional insights and assistance but also provide moral support.

        5. File Your Claim

        Once you have taken each critical step to prepare for your veteran disability benefits application, it is time to actually apply.

        You can do so online via the portal on the VA website. Alternatively, you can file your claim by mail, in person at your nearest VA regional office, or by fax.

        The VA website has all the information you need – such as downloadable additional forms, addresses for mail applications, and regional office locators.

        Plus, if you want a faster decision about your claim after submitting your application, you can use the VAs’ Fully Developed Claims programme.


        Sure, it can take time to prepare and submit a veteran disability benefits claim, but it is more than worth your while. If eligible, you are entitled to compensation. Do not forget it.

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