It’s Personal…

“Leadership is that mixture of example, persuasion and compulsion which makes men do what you want them to do. I would say that it is a projection of personality. It is the most personal thing in the world, because it is just plain you.” Field Marshal Sir William Slim (1891 to 1970) William Slim, 1st… Read More

Profound Appreciation…

“No leader, however great, can long continue unless he wins victories. Without victories in battle all else is useless. To what then is success in battle due? In his great study of Marlborough Mr Winston Churchill says very truly: ‘The success of a commander does not arise from following rules or models. It consists in… Read More

Administrative Risk…

“It is comparative easy to know what you want to do in any kind of war. Leadership consists in knowing whether you can do it ‐ the risks you have to take. In the jungle the chief risks for the higher commander, brigadier and upwards, are administrative. He must learn to be a judge of… Read More

The Battle for Hearts…

“The first thing a young officer must do when he joins the Army is to fight a battle, and that battle is for the hearts of his men. If he wins that battle and subsequent similar ones, his men will follow him anywhere; if he loses it, he will never do any real good.” Field… Read More

Between the Troops…

“I will give you two simple rules which every general should observe: first, never to try to do his own staff work; and secondly, never to let his staff get between him and his troops.” Field Marshal A.P. Wavell (1883 to 1950) Archibald Percival Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell, in full Archibald Percival Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell… Read More

The Beginning of Leadership…

“The beginning of leadership – is a battle for the hearts and minds of men.” Field Marshal Montgomery (1887 to 1976) Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery, in full Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, of Hindhead byname Monty, was a British Field Marshal and one of the outstanding Allied commanders in World… Read More

Strength of Character…

“Intelligence, knowledge, and experience are telling prerequisites. Lack of these may, if necessary, be compensated for by a good general staff officer. Strength of character and inner fortitude, however, are decisive factors. The confidence of the men in the ranks rests upon a man’s strength of character.” Erich von Manstein (1887 to 1973) Erich von… Read More