Acknowledging the Risk for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Women Veterans

Research Paper Title Acknowledging the Risk for Traumatic Brain Injury in Women Veterans. Abstract Since the Iraq and Afghanistan wars began, an unprecedented number of women have been engaging in combat operations. Likewise, the number of women using Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) services has doubled since 2001. Military service, and deployment to combat in… Read More

Discussing the Psychological Health & Well-being Experiences of Female Military Veterans

Research Paper Title The psychological health and well-being experiences of female military veterans: a systematic review of the qualitative literature. Background Women in the military are a minority group who, in addition to facing exposure to traumatic events due to the nature of the work, face additional stressors while deployed. It is argued that these… Read More

What do we know about Women Service Members, Veterans & their Families?

Research Paper Title Women service members, veterans, and their families: What we know now. Background The purpose of this paper is to highlight what we know now about female service members, veterans, and their families. The experiences of U.S. female service members and veterans are more complex than previous eras and significant demographic changes have… Read More

What are the Demographic & Behavioural Health Predictors of Un/Diagnosed Depression in the US Female Military Veteran Population?

Research Paper Title Predictors of Depression Diagnoses and Symptoms in United States Female Veterans: Results from a National Survey and Implications for Programming. Background and Purpose Research suggests that female veterans of the US military are more likely than their male counterparts to report mental health concerns such as post-traumatic stress, depression and suicidal thoughts.… Read More