Military Background Check: What Does It Mean And How Does It Work?

Introduction Background checks have become a routine part of modern life, especially in the realm of employment. Companies and organisations of all kinds perform such checks to ensure that potential hires are trustworthy and qualified individuals. However, not all background checks are created equal. The military, for example, has an even higher standard for its… Read More

An Overview of UK Security Vetting for Members of the British Armed Forces

1.0 Introduction Many roles within defence and public sectors require prospective candidates to undergo security checks before the assignment can begin. This article will provide a brief outline of the security vetting these prospective candidates may undertake. This process is collectively known as national security vetting (NSV), and gets progressively more intrusive the higher the… Read More

What is Temporary Duty?

Introduction Temporary duty travel (TDY), also known as temporary additional duty (TAD), is a designation reflecting a United States Armed Forces service member’s – or civilian Department of Defence employee’s – travel or other assignment at a location other than the traveller’s permanent duty station as authorised by the Joint Travel Regulations (PDF file). Outline… Read More

What is Military Keynesianism?

Introduction Military Keynesianism is an economic policy based on the position that government should raise military spending to boost economic growth. It is a fiscal stimulus policy as advocated by John Maynard Keynes. But where Keynes advocated increasing public spending on socially useful items (infrastructure in particular), additional public spending is allocated to the arms… Read More

What was Section 8 (Military Discharge)?

Introduction Section 8 was a category of discharge from the US military, used for a service member judged mentally unfit for service. Section 8 was also often given to cross-dressers, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Brief History The term comes from Section VIII of the World War II-era United States Army Regulation 615-360, concerning… Read More

What was a Blue Discharge?

Introduction A blue discharge (also known as a “blue ticket”) was a form of administrative military discharge formerly issued by the United States beginning in 1916. It was neither honourable nor dishonourable. The blue ticket became the discharge of choice for commanders seeking to remove homosexual service members from the ranks. They were also issued… Read More

A Brief Overview of Military Discharge

Introduction A military discharge is given when a member of the armed forces is released from their obligation to serve. Each country’s military has different types of discharge. They are generally based on whether the persons completed their training and then fully and satisfactorily completed their term of service. Other types of discharge are based… Read More