Leaders Foster…

“Major General James Utino once said that morale exists when “a soldier thinks that his army is the best in the world, his regiment is the best in the army, his company is the best in the regiment, his squad the best in the company, and that he himself is the best damned soldier in the outfit.” Our job as leaders is to foster that attitude and morale.”

General Dennis J. Reimer, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, “Leadership for the 21st Century: Empowerment, Environment and the Golden Rule” – 1996 Military Review Article.

Dennis Joe Reimer (born 12 July 1939) is a retired general of the US Army who served as the 33rd Chief of Staff of the Army from 20 June 1995 to 21 June 1999. He is also a graduate of Ranger and Airborne school.

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