What to Expect from Flight Mission Training Centres in the Royal Air Force


Flight mission training centres should be offering a range of training solutions. It is expected that customers will undergo a variety of training courses, including virtual flight training, full military flight academy services, fleet maintenance and operation, and real-flight experience simulations

A good flight mission training centre will include training for a variety of aircraft, including airbuses, BAE, Boeing, and Embraer aircraft. Customers will usually be trained in a combination of settings, from full-flight simulators to computer-based training facilities, to classrooms.

Is This Right for You?

If you are looking for a career in the RAF, you can expect that training at a flight mission training centre will usually involve a four-step process:

Screening and InstructionFlight training centres should tailor their syllabus to customers and be ready to be flexible with the training offered.
Training programs should be professionally targeted and involve a variety of programme supporters, including experienced flight instructors, qualified ground school instructors, modern teaching facilities and a selection of training aids and briefing systems.
Support SolutionsTraining centres should provide fleet operations and maintenance training, including a variety of aircraft and with a selection of tailored courses and providers for a well-rounded course.
Advance Jet TrainingLook for a jet training course that includes logistic support, maintenance, ground training arrays, debriefing suits and more. Some centres provide different courses, so do some research into the aspects of each course that is right for you.
Live Virtual Constructive TrainingTraining will be provided on connecting aircraft to a ground-based training system, including a variety of scenarios and technologies.

Elbit Systems Bristol is one of the lead manufacturers of aircraft for Britain and has created a selection of aircraft for different uses, such as manned airplanes and unmanned surveillance drones. They even recently helped Israel to become the first country to certify unmanned drones to fly in civilian airspace with their Hermes StarLiner drone, an updated version of the Hermes 900. The StarLiner is designed for surveillance and protection use, with its benefits including environmental protection, agriculture, and border control.

What Training Could Entail?

Different flight training centres will have different requirements and different course contents, for example the RAF have a lengthy screening process including health checks, computer-based aptitude tests, and reasoning, plus an interview. This process is longer than most flight schools, however, and if successful, you may be paid to fly if you are working towards a military flying career.

Training will start with learning the principles of flight and background information and essential technical knowledge. Participants will move on to essential flying skills, instrumental flying, aerobatics, formation flying, and navigation.

Upon graduation, students will be sent to learn to fly fast-jet, multi-engine or rotary vehicles. This set of skills should result in participants feeling comfortable flying in a variety of aircraft, and set up flight students for a long and successful career in the UK air forces.

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