Virtue of the Long Sword…

“To master the virtue of the long sword is to govern the world and oneself, thus the long sword is the basis of strategy. The principle is “strategy by means of the long sword” If he attains the virtue of the long sword, one man can beat ten men. Just as one man can beat ten, so a hundred men can beat a thousand, and a thousand men can beat ten thousand. In my strategy (ARETE), one man is the same as ten thousand, so this strategy is the complete warrior’s craft.”

Miyamoto Musashi (1584 to 1645)

Miyamoto Musashi was a famous Japanese soldier-artist of the early Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603 to 1867). He was also known for being a philosopher, writer, and Ronin.

His original name was Miyamoto Masana, but he was also known as Shinmen Takezō, Miyamoto Bennosuke or, by his Buddhist name, Niten Dōraku.

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