5 Kilograms of Broccoli A Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

“Broccoli extract lowers blood sugar EATING your greens just got even better for you. A substance found in broccoli can reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Anders Rosengren [and colleagues (2017)] at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden tested sulphoraphane, found in broccoli sprouts, in a trial of 97 people with type 2 diabetes. On average,… Read More

My Score on the Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool (AUSDRISK)

AUSDRISK Sitting in the wife’s GP practice waiting for her to finish work and then take the kids to see Paw Patrol Live, I noticed a pamphlet ‘The Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool’ (or AUSDRISK), and decided to ‘give it a go’. AUSDRISK was developed by the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute… Read More

Types 2 Diabetes: Do Health Beliefs Play a Role in Medication Adherence?

Research Paper Title The association between health beliefs and medication adherence among patients with type 2 diabetes. Background Type 2 diabetes is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and microvascular complications. Approximately 20.5% of adults between the ages of 20-79 are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in Saudi Arabia. Non-adherence with type 2 diabetes… Read More

Is There a Link between Tendinopathy & Diabetes Mellitus?

Research Paper Title Is there an association between tendinopathy and diabetes mellitus? A systematic review with meta-analysis. Background Musculoskeletal symptoms limit adherence to exercise interventions for individuals with type 2 diabetes. People with diabetes may be susceptible to tendinopathy due to chronically elevated blood glucose levels. Therefore, the researchers aimed to investigate this potential association… Read More

Ghrelin & Leptin Responses to Short-term Starvation vs a Carbohydrate-free Diet in Men with Type 2 Diabetes

Research Paper Title The Ghrelin and Leptin Responses to Short-term Starvation vs a Carbohydrate-free Diet in Men with Type 2 Diabetes; A Controlled, Cross-over Design Study. Background The researchers have recently reported the 24 hour glucose, insulin and glucagon responses to a 72 hour fast compared to a 72 hour macronutrient-sufficient, carbohydrate-free diet in men… Read More

Australia & Diabetes: I Like Being Accurate!

Headline: New diet and exercise programme helps people with type 2 diabetes cut medication ADELAIDE researchers have developed a diet and exercise program the CSIRO says has proven highly effective in reducing the burden of type 2 diabetes, including an average 40 per cent reduction in medication levels. Some people in the trial were able… Read More

High Blood Pressure is Linked to Raised Diabetes Risk

People with high blood pressure have an almost 60% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, shows a recently published study of more than 4 million people. Reference Emdin, C.A., Anderson, S.G., Woodward, M. & Rahimi, K. (2015) Usual Blood Pressure and Risk of New-Onset Diabetes: Evidence From 4.1 Million Adults and a Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies. Journal… Read More